Early Bird Realizations...

Early Bird Realizations...
An author, who is the head nurse of a hospital in Austraila was on duty, looking after patients who were on thier death beds. Though her conversations with her patients, she realised that though there were no similarities in them but  most of the dying patients had similar regrets. 

In her book, the author has shared the "Top Five Regrets'  dying patients have.

Lets take our learnings from this to stay in the best versions...while we breathe and beyond.

Regret No 1: 
I wish I had lived my life the way I wanted to and not get bogged down with what others with think, feel or say.  

This isnt about being a rebel. Its about taking a stand for what you believe in while you maintain the sancity of your environment.

Regret No 2: 
I wish I hadnt been a pure workoholic. 

This no where means you dont work towards achieving your professional goals. But if your doing it at the cost of your health or loved ones. Its time to re-think. 

If this minute going by isnt going to come back, you are paying a phenominally heavy price for your  success  

Make time for your loved ones and for people who love you even if both arent the same. 

Once gone, its a no return formula.

Regret No 3:  
I wish I would have been able to express what I felt..

Well, thats a tough call because not every one understands it right. 

But do make sure you confess the due love, care, hurt and appology towards concerned people. Just remember, its a big time self help tool. Use it.

Regret No 4: 
I wish I could have stayed connected to my people.

Like said earlier, once gone, its a no return formula.

Regret No 5: 
I wish I would have let my self stay happy.

We all know what makes us smile and gives us a space of peacefulness. Please do not let-go of it !An author, who is the head nurse of a hospital in Austraila was on duty, looking after patients who were on thier death beds. Though her conversations with her patients, she realised that though there were no similarities in them but most of the dying patients had similar regrets. 

In her book, the author has shared the "Top Five Regrets' dying patients have.

Lets take our learnings from this to stay in the best versions...while we breathe and beyond.

Regret No 1: 
I wish I had lived my life the way I wanted to and not get bogged down with what others with think, feel or say.  

This isnt about being a rebel. Its about taking a stand for what you believe in while you maintain the sancity of your environment.

Regret No 2: 
I wish I hadnt been a pure workoholic. 

This no where means you dont work towards achieving your professional goals. But if your doing it at the cost of your health or loved ones. Its time to re-think. 

If this minute going by isnt going to come back, you are paying a phenominally heavy price for your success  

Make time for your loved ones and for people who love you even if both arent the same. 

Once gone, its a no return formula.

Regret No 3:  
I wish I would have been able to express what I felt..

Well, thats a tough call because not every one understands it right. 

But do make sure you confess the due love, care, hurt and appology towards concerned people. Just remember, its a big time self help tool. Use it.

Regret No 4: 
I wish I could have stayed connected to my people.

Like said earlier, once gone, its a no return formula.

Regret No 5: 
I wish I would have let my self stay happy.

We all know what makes us smile and gives us a space of peacefulness. Please do not let-go of it !


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