Student Community Special : Famous Four Interview FAQ's

Famous Four Interview FAQ's

Interviews are the hotspots of any career in today's day and age. Infact they've always been.  Let's discuss the four prominent questions asked in any interview and how best we can approach them.

1. Tell me something about your self 

Some gyaan first; 

Before your turn , the interviewer has just completed with another candidate. The time gap between the completion of the previous and you getting in is when the interviewer is glancing at your resume to the figure possible questions from your profile. Considering time constraints and bit more  may be the first question is usually about yourself. 

Pro-tip : Your answer to this question will decide if the upcoming questions would generate from your resume or a lot from your answer. This mention here because your self introduction needs to be so compelling that it should  self direct into an engaging conversation rather than just a CV based Q&A.

Remember there will be several questions that can rise out from your resume but only a handful from your introduction.

It is a good idea to plan your introduction in such a way that you generate the questions you wish to be asked during course of interview. 

Frame your answers in a way that you generate  curiosity in the interviewer, Always try to keep this answer chronological, end with the best.  

Practice for a under 60 seconder crisp & clear self introduction But yes , don't over prep to sound like a parot prototype ! 

2. Why not you ?

Hello ! This question doesn't direct to your weaknesses. Please don't mistinterpret this question like so many.

Some gyaan first: 

Please remember that this is a question to check your confidence. So here you will amalgamate your answer to communicate that you have the qualities needed for the role. 

Pro-tip: You obviously do not want to sound egoistic so an addition saying that your a fast learner and incase there are difficult strings you can learn them well will help. 

Ofcourse being sure of having the skills you speak about is non negotiable

3. Strengths and Weakness.

Some gyaan first: 

Usually I hear one liner answers to this. ike, "My strength is that I am hardworking" doesn't really make sense.  Your expected to weave a meaning for story around it to make it more real.

 "Writing is my skill and I have worked really hard in setting up my blogspot with consistency and relevancy in content". 

Similarly when you address a weakness craft a progressive story around it. Again keep it real ! 

For instance, " I get affected when some one says something but I am working on my self with mediation & therapy which is helping me a lot

Pro-tip : It important to balance out your strengths and weakness with an action point and a looking forward to perspective. Be real and shape it up to the need ! 

4. Challenges Faced

Hello ! We are not referring to personal challenges. It's more in line with professional brickbats and your approach to them 

Plan out a situation you've faced or if you need to script one but keep it genuine. 

It should have a problem or conflict resolution approach you adapted to smoothen the challenge. If your a fresher than it may be a group project or at your internship and the like. Be recent, relevant and under 90 seconds with this question.

If this was helpful, do share it with your people.



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