Manifestations of Love...

Manifestations of Love 

The word 'Love' means different to different people. This four letter word is extremely powerful and  has multifold manifestations.
Parent Child love, Sibbling love, Friends For Ever love, Teacher Student love or then the most identified Lovers love.

Some times it is none of these that connect you to some one. It could be simply care or concern.

People enter into your life only because they have a role to play. As soon as they are done with thier role, mother nature figures her own way to get them off the frame.

But all of these, be with or without a name tittle have a unique story to tell. The foundation of each story is based on trust, mutual respect, transparency and  agreeing to disagree.

For a fact, every relationship inherits or develops over period of time - expectations & in turn, the associated responsibilities.

We give and should give our best shot in fulfilling our duties towards our immediate relationships. But it's equally a must to set right 'the expectations & the expected'

The often heard term,' Generation Gap' or 'Gap in thought process'. But honestly there is not. My era has a different SWOT as compared to my parent, child, sibling, friend or teacher or for that matter my better half.

An important key for any equation to stand strong  is that - 'We are equal & partner each other though we may complement each other's  differences' Only then people will value each other's presence in thier life.  If ever it becomes 'You Complete Me' or vice versa., there comes in a tendency of one to feel indespensible

The 2nd most important element is that you cannot hold back or get possessive about your people. As rightly said by some one - 'if you love some one, set them free. If they come back, they are yours but if they don't - they never were'

'Me time' and 'Self space' is another crucial requirement to have a strong standing relationship, irrespective of its genre. This brings in value to your existence within the togetherness that you share.

Sad but true, people who share the deepest bonding and they know that they do, are the ones who often aren't together. Though the entire universe knows that they are meant to be; but as a fact they are living different lives

Any thoughts or feedback, write to me on


Sharayu said…
Well expressed...clap clap
Sharayu said…
So true....Love in so many manifestations.... LOVE It

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