Run Your Own Race.

Run Your Own Race
Life means different to different people. For some it means a destination or a goal, to some it's a journey and to others, it's a journey to reach a destination. Each human life plays multiple roles at a go. Most of the roles have pre-defined requisites / protocol's to adhere to. At times you may need to alter / create / re-create them as well.

Pick your approach to the roles you play in  life:

- Between a stimulus and a response, there lies a power - Your power to choose. It is not necessary to react to everything that happens arround you. But it's important be loud about things that effect you.

- Be clear about what you give your time, thought and energy to. If a person or a situation doesn't nourish you emotionally or intellectually, you should know where to place them within or out of the frame.

- Being kind, helpful and sensitive to your primary and secondary environment is very important and is a Must-Must-Do. But it doesn't mean you keep aiming to do what makes others happy all the time. The truth is, one cannot make everyone happy all the time. For a fact, being selfish is alright. But never be self centred

- Human minds are equipped to have switch Offs and Switch Ons. Using these tool efficiently aids in giving justice to the multiple roles you play at a go and you  don't end up leaving behind a role in process of chasing another. Using these  tools also help create a balance. And  'Balance is the key'.

- Life requires you to maintain transparency with your scheme of people and things. But to what extent, has to be your desicion. And that too a conscious one. People will see what you show them. Decide what, how  and how much of you needs to be projected.

- Success or Failure in any one walk of life can never be a yardstick of happiness or sorrow. When you  to are learning to walk, you will trip or loose balance couple of times before your legs gain strength and confidence. Even after you have learnt to walk you may trip or tend to loose balance. Every path will have some bitter and some sweet obstacles. Their only role is to make you stronger.

- Self doubt creeps in to human life atleast once in a life span. Majority of the times it acts as an obstruction to move ahead. Your skill lies in using the self doubt to stay rooted.

- Learn to run your own race.The more you trust the desicions you make, the lesser the need of external assurances on it.


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