Five Frames to a Happier and Healthier You

1. People - Situations will come & go but - You will need You: People and situations walk in to our lives with a purpose and move away from us once the purpose is over. Sometimes we get attached to them since they make us comfortable. But remember every start has an end. Till such time there will not be a new start. Let sweet memories stay within but not sadden you ever. Never give people or situations the power to effect to an extent that you get hurt.

2. Align your Mind, Body and Soul: To keep healthy and fit, nuture your self with good food, nuture your mind with intellectual activities and your body with physical activity. Ediquate rest is must. Portion controls are required in each of them. Yoga and Meditation is the key to all balances.

3. Live Your Own Life: Keep a limit on how much of your life you will live for people. Be sure of what and whom you are investing in. You must figure your needs and wants from life, accordingly work for it. People may join in to your journey. Your focus is your vision for life. At times it's good to be selfish but never be self centred. Also it is not necessary to react to everything that happens arround or even within you. Choose your reactions wisely.

4. Treasure True Relationships: Rare to find a friend or connect  who accepts you the way you are with your drawbacks and virtues. Be with you across thicks and thins. It’s sweet to have a sidekick you can trust no matter what. Yes, you’ll be doing a lot of the heavy lifting on your own. After all, you are entirely responsible for your own happiness. Keep in mind that one sided gestures either break heavily or eventually make the non active elements participate. 

5. Handling Rejections:

Shock - Denial - Anger- Depression is a normal emotional cycle every human being experiences at least once in his or her life span. The persons morale is further damaged by the ‘sympathy’ offered by friends, relatives and neighbours.

Every human has a patch of grey shades in their life which develops while he / she is living the journey . Intensities fade or darken - it's a matter of time.  In nutshell  there is going to be 1/4th part of the  glass that seems empty. 

Develop the skill of focusing on the part of the glass that is 3/4th full and not the part that's 1/4th empty.

Perceptions and Proportions are time bound and  change when they are due.

Finally,  Failure  in any a particular walk of life is  not the only yardstick for success or happiness.

And the power to choose and  power to bounce back lies with you !!

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