The Friday Heath Care Special Series: Getting Nutrition Basics Right.

The Friday Heath Care Special Series: 
Getting Nutrition Basics Right.

We all know how important a balanced form of nutrition is for us to have a good health graph.  Through the "Friday Health Care Special Series", we will understand Nutrition and Nutrients in a way that we can apply it to optimize our well being.

Nutrition is about how our body functions to break down the food we eat, called as Catabolism and how it repairs and creates cells and tissues, called as Anabolism. Catabolism and Anabolism as a team is Metabolism. 

Nutrients in simple language are the substances that allow our body to make energy and ensure that our body functions normally. We've all heard out carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.  We've  seen them as both villains and heroes at different points of time. 

The truth is that all are heroes but to be consumed in the correct portions and proportions. 

Today let's understand the carb fundas.
What actually are carbs? 

Carbohydrates are sugars present in the food we eat,  that break down into glucose and the integrated elements. Every food that we consume has some percentage of carbs. Some have less or low carbs and some have more, or high carbs. There exist a ratio  of hydrogen to oxygen atoms in carbs  which is the same as in water. So it's called carbon - hydrates meaning watered carbons. 

For a fact, we need carbs as an energy source to perform our routine activities and there is nothing wrong  with carbs so far as we consume them with an understanding. 

In the upcoming "Friday Health Care Special Series" we  will talk about the kind of carbs, which ones to consume and lots more... 
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Sharayu said…
Nicely explained, sure to benefit many. Keep it up
Donna said…
Great one 👍

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