Upgrading Our Subconscious

We all go through lots each day without even realising that we do. At our work space, with family, with  friends, with our partner, with our children, with ourselves, with almost every equation of our life.

Unknowingly a lot of this piles up deep within especially if what we've gone through is hurtful. For instance a disbelief, awkward statement or behaviour or then an uncalled for change, for that matter any change.

We may say whatever but change is something not easily digestible by many. It's a different story that one has to eventually accept & move on for self harmony. Though the hard truth is that  the only thing that's 'common' & 'constant' to life is change".

To be in harmony with change, Upgrade is unavoidable.

Upgrade of our subconscious, so we don't end up reminding our self things that we've  some where accepted & taken along. We don't end up to a discomfort in the subconscious or unknowingly end up scratching wounds that are in process of healing or have just healed.

Most importantly we don't end up
publicizing our delicate threads at incorrect places or to irrelevant people because that's of no help to any one any which ways.

Now that we know, upgrading our subconscious is so very crucial, how to we practice it in few simple steps.

Let me share how I do it:

- Understand  there is a change
- Understand why you need to accommodate the change
- Accept there is a change
- Accept the change itself
- Meditate the change
- Practice the change

It's not as easy as it sounds i know.
but it's not impossible either.
Do give it a try !!


Sharayu said…
True, change is uncertain but inevitable.Embrace it and see the magic ✨
Conscious mind should be trained to discriminate between truth and false.Reality and unreality.only man has this ability. Expand our Consciousness to such an extend that the subconscious melts in the ocean of consciousness.

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