Relationships & You

As human beings, as social beings there is this one thing which is a by default element of our life. 

Yes - Relationships. With Yourself, Your family, Your   friends & peers, Your classmates &  colleagues, Your mentors and bosses, Your besties and life partners. They are not all actually. You also do have a relationship with your surroundings, nature, pets, food, daily use-ables and  lots more.

In short, your relationships are with both, human and non human elements. Defined and Undefined. With and Without Labels.

The  difficult one from the two is the humans. It's a pizza actually!!

A pizza always confuses, it comes in a square box, when you open, it is round in shape. And when you go to eat it, the peices are taingular. Life and People are also like a pizza - look different, appear different and behave completely different.

Remember, we as humans live one of the strongest relationship, that is the one you have with your self. That is the relationship that last you the longest and remains at its peak life long.  But this no where means that we don't need or should not maintain any other human relationships. 

We must. We should. We need !!  

After all we are social beings. We do love - hate, smile - sob, share - care and all of it. And that's majorily because of our relationship with others.

Across the human relationships that we share, we have an understanding of who matters to us and who doesn't. Incidences that occur in our life make us realize to whom we matter to and to whom we don't. Ofcourse there is a chance of you being important to someone but that didn't really show up in recent occurrences.  Besides, every person has a different way of expressing and our ability to understand the expressions vary. There may or may not be a match in both of these.

However, such situations do effect us, irrespective of how strong we appear to be or really are.

It's very important to be mindful on the time and thought you invest in some one.  Every relationship cannot and should not  be measured through ROI but it should be worth your investment. 

Every time that some one matters to you or you matter to some one, doesn't mean you need to keep reminding or keep being reminded that your important or will be reciprocated to all the while.

Yes, those expressions are crucial but hold value only when expresed at the right time, with right people and in the right situation.

By being worth your investment, it means you have learnt something from the relationship. It has made you stronger, tolerant, less judgemental, less cribby  or developed you in some way.  May be that relationship has given you some tears or made you experience some difficult emotions. Without which  it's impossible to have these value ads happen to you. Value Ads, not in material but as an individual. 

When your thoughtful with your emotional investments in people, you know the starts and stops, you know the semi colons, comas and the exclamation marks as well. You know how much of self control to be on a leverage and how much of you will be effected by some one. And how much of you to let be.

Ultimately we are humans and not trees to stay in the same place for ever. So, make informed choices with your relationships. Though there will be lots to discover and live ahead !!

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