Your Person Pod Series : Oh! Perfect Life....
Today, a dear friend when asked about her well being - said "Oh I have a perfect life."
Well. honestly, I am happy for her. But the truth is that the definition of perfection is very subjective.
It's like saying, "This dress material is of good quality". Here good quality refers to nothing but fit to use. The fit to use elements are different for different people.
Besides, nothing is ever perfect, neither life nor mankind. The day we wake up thinking that the entire day is going to be seamless, trust me there will be a trace of glitch some where.
When we as humans are conscious of our expectations, imbalances are negligible. When imbalance is negligible, we are in control of ourself and content with what life gives us. That's because our 'Needs' are aligned and in sync.
When we accept this , we can build up to our 'Wants' on the basis of our capacity. And just in case we are unable to reach our 'Wants' , the imbalance doesn't trouble us because we well-understand the difference between a 'Need' and 'Want'
"Oh I have a perfect life with absolutely no drama. It just can't be more perfect" - Well. Even this sounds drama !
Because it's difficult to figure whether we are trying to convince ourself or the person we are telling this to.
Drama is an integral and unavoidable part of human life. Every life has drama, else it wouldn't be life at all - birth, death , breathing, sunrise, sunset smile, tears, season, pain, joy, sorrow.
All of this that every human perceives as a natural course of life.
Imagine , if drama wouldn't exist, there would be no difference between a table - chair and a human being.
Practicing gratitude is a non negotiable activity in our daily routines.
Once we are in alignment of our Need and Wants , we learn to just stay normal and make no efforts to show any perfectness or then sound over happy. What it is, will just be natural and normal.
The catch arises only if negativity creeps in. It's important to be alert and maintain distance with negativity of every form. That's when we need to say 'No'
No Drama Please !