Self Management - A Journey of Integration

Self Management - A journey of Integration

With increasing competition and the changing definitions of ‘need & want’ life is getting more hectic and demanding. 

Be it examinations, interviews or professional pressure or then the  personal front,  expectations are measured to all areas and striking a ratio to integrate is a task. 

Every human is a universal student. Even after he or she completes formal education, the process of learning & examinations continues for life. 

Each exam gives life a turning point & what percentage of it helps  us depends on our attitude towards the challenge.

A proactive approach helps us remain positive &  acts as the most influential motivation to achieve.

Like I always say, reading is like breathing. Read as much as you can, fiction- non fiction what ever. 

As some one who likes to write, i prefer non fiction. It aids  reflect and relate to your immediate environment & analyse what you have read. 

Learning becomes easier and lucrative if you relate it to your observations and  interactions. 

Now for the student community:  

This enables your grip of the topic be better . Your search for knowledge has to be an inner drive, marks will follow. 

Some students prefer study for continual hours while preparing for examinations  ( Mass Study) while others take short & frequent breaks and prefer to spread the study over the entire available study time ( Distributed Study)

For all of us: 

Only 24 hours does a day have and so much to do!!! Learn to prioritize your schedules. First, you must  be decided on your ST’s and LT’s ( Short Term Goals & Long Term Goals). 

Your LT is to stay away from medicines and health issues. But one can't achieve this overnight. Only a consistent practice will full fill this LT , so make time for the practice every day.

Students at  post graduation level need a lot of self study & self learning  apart from normal academics is required since your next landing will be an organization. 

So telling your self- Where do I find the time – means getting your LT shaky.

Life is about multitasking to another level. So let's nourish our mind with Meditation. It's nothing but  is a balance state of mind. 

One cannot remain happy or sad all the time. Just like a weak body feels fatigue, a tired mind feels stress and both need regular cleansing to remain fresh and functional. 

Regular meditation also works on improving the capacity of the mind. 

Though preferable, but it may not always be possible take guidance from one who is already practicing meditation.

How to meditate? 

Well , use The KISS Policy!

Wait there ... , before you get anywhere

I mean , Keep It Short and Simple.

Preferably before you close for the day, just 10 minutes...

o    Close your eyes and be aware of your whole being

o    Relax your entire body and feel the space of your mind

o    Don’t fight with the thoughts, they are like clouds let them melt away.

You will eventually see life in a new light


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