Staying in Sync with Nature

Staying in Sync with Nature

Diet fads have become a business in today's day and age. General health graph of human kind is only deterorating by the day. Unhealthy lifestyles, food habits and extremeties in all walks of life are show their results eventually. 

When it comes to health & food, a big question is whom and what to believe? 

Cornflakes says "buy me, I will give you iron" 

Wafers say "eat me with your freinds and you will enjoy the movie & tea party more than ever"

Nutritional bars say "Be at your strongest with me"

So many dilemas to our poor mind, isn't it? 

At this difficult decision making point, just remember one thing, your existence is part of nature. You as a human are part of nature, so everything you do - eat, drink, sleep, live has to be in sync with nature, if it has to be the best version.

Aspecially the food bit, like it or not - food is one the most essential fuel that keeps you going. I am sure you will agree with me on this.

Today I am sharing few basics that make will a world of difference to your health graph at large. 

Any diet that has a name is a big blunder to adhere to. Be it single food all-day diet, no carb diet, no fat diet or the so-called magical powders of the world or any such stuff. You can't follow or in many cases even afford them life long. 

We all know that imbalances of any sort never go a long way. Whenever there has been an imbalance,  both perceived and experienced benefits from it have always been temporary. 

The simple reason is  because it is not sustainable as it does not constitute a balance. 

The hard truth is, as a human we may start or stop doing things at every age that we come to. 

For example in process of growing from an infant to a toddler, we start walking & then running. The same person becoming a senior citizen & with the process of ageing, slows the speed of walking, boils down to sitting or lying down. 

But what is constant here is - we drink and eat as infants, toddlers, adults and senior citizens. What changes is the quantity and may be items depending on our health conditions  and medications all along. Meaning - eating is something we will be doing till our last breath and the rest is in variables.

Packaged and revamped foods are not human health-friendly. They only promote the food industry business. When I say packaged foods I mean the entire family of ready to eats, ready to cook, just two minute strategy  and tetra packs. I also mean all the foods that make extraordinary claims of health benefits and of course the  camouflaged junks.

So be Real and Not Packaged or Revamped 

Seek your nutritional needs from natural sources and not supplements unless advised otherwise by a medical expert or then your health needs you to do so.  Remember supplements are consumed to fulfill or sort deficits. They are not a replacement to natural nutrition sources.

I have come across people consuming calcium supplements but milk does not constitute their diet or then Vitamin D tablets but no effort towards getting to activity or seeking sunlight. 

Very few folks  understand that probiotics like ghee, curd, pickles are essentials for good gut bacteria, to absorb and asssemble the Vitamin D, Calcium from both food, supplements and natural sunlight.

It is a good idea to be mindful with a holistic preview  when you decide your food sources and choices if you desire a sustainable health graph.

Also it's crucial to understand your very own digestive health to know which food benefits maximum and at what part of the day. When is it most friendly to your digestion.

Did you know?

Fruits and Vegetables take three hours each - in your stomach, small intestine and large intestine for digestion respectively while whole grains like rice and wheat need six hours each.

That's exactly why it's important to consume each of these  equally crucial items  in proportions and portions at suitable times of the day depending on the most active to most inactive phase of your day.

Without getting stressed or fussy with your meal plans , use this phenomenon to align with clean eating.

Foods that can give life to them selves can give life to you. For instance if you drop some seeds of an apple into the soil, with water and sunlight , its capable of developing in to an apple tree. So, your fruits, vegetables, grains and such whole foods are LIVE Foods because they give life.

On the other hand if you were to burry a packet of cookies in to the soil and water it, no new cookies are going to come to life. Now, thats DEAD Food !! A food that can give life to itself, cant give you life for sure.

Also , something that most of us know yet dont know.... 

Our life style now a days has become such that our bodies barely get a chance to heal clean.

Let me simplify...

If you need to heal a pot whole which is right in the middle the road, you need to fill it up, sure. but before that you need to stop the moving traffic there for allowing the filling to settle down and firm up. 

What I mean to say is align your meals in a way that you have gap if 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast. No, not about intermitent fasting but about halting the moving traffic and rest your gut to clean and heal for being optimally functional.

Moral Of The Story - Human Health - Friendly Foods are the ones that:

- Are Scientifically Sensible

- Arw Balanced in Proportions and Portions

- Are Local and Seasonal 

- Are Traditionally Time Tested

- Supports the National Economy & Global Ecology 

- Listen to Your Gut

Also we need to understand that human body architecture is made for movement. So excerise isnt about what we ate yesterday. It us about celebrating what we are today. Celeberating our ability to move our bodies  pain free , the way we desire.

Finally, when mother nature gave us our body, it was clean and clear. Its her property with us and some day we will be giving it back to mother nature. Having said that, its our responsibilty to maintain it with utmost care and so we are able to do the return intact


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