The Donkey and The Tiger

A Story......

Mr. Donkey and Mr. Tiger were  debating on the grass being green.
Mr. Donkey insisted that the grass is blue while Mr. Tiger kept saying it's green. 

After a lot of arguments about it, both of them went to Mr. Lion, the king of the forest. 

Mr. Tiger complained to Mr. Lion that Mr. Donkey was arguing with him that the grass is blue, when it's actually not.

Mr. Donkey got hyper about it that told Mr Lion that he should be punished because the grass is blue, not green ! 

Mr. Lion announced a punishment for Mr. Tiger, 'Silence for 12 months'. Mr. Donkey was overjoyed and continued his back on his way, singing and dancing. 

Mr. Tiger asked Mr. Lion about the punishment despite the truth being grass is green. 

Mr. Lion said to Mr Tiger, "Punishment is nothing to do with the grass being blue or green. In fact it is green"

In response, Mr. Tiger asked Mr. Lion," Then why the punishment to me?"

Mr. Lion replied, "Because you wasted your time arguing and trying to convince Mr. Donkey. And wasted my time, expecting me to address the issue when the universe knows that the grass is green and it really doesn't matter whether Mr. Donkey agrees to it or not" 

He further said,"Never invest your time or thought trying to convince people on things, when truth doesn't matter to them and only their ego and victory matters" 

Another sacred form of self care - Analyse 360 before getting into any discussion, save your energy for more constructive thoughts and deeds.

I read this beautiful and equally sensible piece this morning & thought of sharing. 


Gajanan said…
Nicely written...

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